Welcome on and all to my preview and predictions blog for the final stop before "Wrestlemania" and what could be the final single brand live special "Fastlane". As always if you have any comments or just want me to know what you think leave a comment below or by following me on Twitter and Instagram.
This is an exciting time for "WWE" and wrestling fans in general as it is "Wrestlemania" season and with a little over a month before the event there are so many matches yet to be confirmed including the "Smackdown Live" main event. I'm still not sure what will happen between now and "Wrestlemania" but, I'm sure in the next few weeks everything will become a lot clearer. As of writing there has been no pre show match announced and the only match I can see being moved to the pre show is the women's tag team match but, don't be surprised if another snore fest between Zack Ryder and Mojo Rawley happens.
1. Becky Lynch And Naomi Vs. Natalya And Carmella: As I mentioned previously I think this may be the pre show match, which is a shame as all four women have been lost in the shuffle in the women's division. This time last year Naomi was getting geared up to try and win the championship in her home town at "Wrestlemania" and this year she isn't even in the discussion in the main event picture. This could be a great warm up match with nothing ground shifting really happening. I think Natalya and Carmella will come out on top.
2. Shinsuke Nakamura Vs. Rusev: If anyone has made the best of a less than favourable situation it's Rusev. Who could have predicted that partnering Rusev with Aiden English could lead him to one of the best spots he has had on the main roster ? the "Rusev Day" gimmick and lightening Rusev's character has done wonders for his position as a potential top player in the future. Shinsuke Nakamura has really had a phenomenal run since his debut two years ago. I don't think anyone could have seen him win the "Royal Rumble" this year but, of all the entrants I am so glad he did rather than the usual suspects. This should be a real surprise match with both men really having a lot to prove with the prospect of less live special time being available for the under card. This will be a hard hitting fast paced affair with Nakamura keeping his run going into "Wrestlemania"
3. Smackdown Live Women's Championship: Charlotte Flair (C) Vs. Ruby Riott: I really feel Ruby Riott is one of the most under rated talents on the "main roster". She had a number of entertaining matches on "NXT" and has the potential to be a top talent in the future. Charlotte Flair had a bit of stuttered start to her career on the "Blue Brand" but, since winning the championship she has really flourished. This will be an entertaining match, with the rest of the "Riott Squad" probably playing a part in the outcome of this match. I highly doubt that Charlotte will lose the championship before "Wrestlemania" but, if she does it may be to Carmella cashing in either at "Fastlane" or right before "Wrestlemania".
4. Smackdown Live Tag Team Championship: The Usos (C) Vs. The New Day: These two teams have really brought out the best in each other over the past year or so. Arguably putting on the best of the pre show matches last year and every single match between these two teams since has been just as good. I think this match might have been better left until "Wrestlemania", which it might still be, as there might be a little bit of an exhaustion of matches between these two teams. This should be as solid as every other match between the two best teams on the "Blue Brand" has been and I think there might be a title change on the cards.
5. WWE United States Championship: Bobby Roode (C) Vs. Randy Orton: I love Bobby Roode but, the issue I have is that he is a so so face character and a much better heel. Randy Orton is great as a heel, mainly because he just comes across as completely un likeable as a person. I feel the only reason that Roode hasn't been turned is that you can't have two heels going for the same championship. This should be an okay match but, leaves me a little bit cold. Both men are capable of putting on great performances but, I hope this programme finishes soon as I don't want to see the rubber match at "Wrestlemania".
6. WWE Championship 6 Pack Challenge: AJ Styles (C) Vs. Kevin Owens Vs. Sami Zayn Vs. Baron Corbin Vs. Dolph Ziggler Vs. John Cena: This match could be renamed "Oh crap most of our top guys have nothing to do this month" which is the way this match really has been built. I was on board for the triple threat match even the fatal four way but a 6 pack challenge is just a lazy way of using talents who had nothing to do. "Super Cena" is shuffling about until Undertaker decides whether he wants another match, Ziggler is not really sure what he wants to do and Baron Corbin has been lost in the shuffle. This should be a weird, cluster fuck of a match not really doing very much in the way of helping "Smackdown Live" going into "Wrestlemania" I don't see AJ Styles losing the "WWE" championship before "Wrestlemania" but, Owens Vs. Nakamura at "Wrestlemania" would be a fantastic main event match too.
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