Shameless Promotion Part 8: Prevenge (2016)

Welcome one and all to the latest instalment to my feature "Shameless Promotion". Previously I have promoted everything from "Raleigh Ritchie" to "Lore" to "This Is PROGRESS" and the previous part was about "XX". Since the last part a previous promotion "This Is PROGRESS", the "Kickstarter" project to make a documentary about the "PROGRESS" wrestling promotion was successfully funded. A huge congratulations to all involved. I would like to invite anyone that has any suggestions as to what I should be talking about or you have a project, band, website, service I should promote leave a comment below or contact me through social media by clicking on the links on the right hand side of the homepage.

This part of "Shameless Promotion" is about the 2016 dark comedy film "Prevenge". There are many things that are impressive about "Prevenge" but, the fact that Alice Lowe wrote, directed and was the main star of the film is really impressive oh and she was also pregnant when making the film. Whilst we all feel a little lazy about ourselves let me continue. "Prevenge" is the story of Ruth, a heavily pregnant mother to be who has lost her partner to a tragic climbing accident. She begins a campaign to track down all of the people involved with the accidental death of her partner, being spurred on by her unborn foetus. And if that sounds insane, it really is a sight to behold.

I cannot be more positive about "Prevenge" this is really British film making at it's best. Alice Lowe has crafted such a brilliant story, as gut wrenchingly sad as it is darkly humorous. at a mere 88 minutes run time the action comes thick and fast. As I mentioned earlier Alice Lowe was pregnant whilst making "Prevenge" and that in itself makes some of the scenes that little bit more incredible. Lowe is in nearly every scene and dominates all of the scenes where she is playing off of someone which is a mean feet considering such talent as Kayvan Novak, Katie Dickie and Tom Davis are in pivotal scenes.

"Prevenge" is considered a dark comedy and I would say that it is pitch black. The type of laughs it created when I was watching were really awkward ones, almost like I felt guilty about laughing. The tone is incredibly bleak at times dealing with the obvious themes of death and loss but, also isolation. Alice appears insecure and depressed masking it with bravado. It would be easy to compare "Prevenge" to ""Sightseers" both feature Alice Lowe and heavy a darkly comedic side however, I feel that "Prevenge" might be the stronger film. It is daring to deal with such themes as loss and isolation in a film about pregnancy. Nobody wants to portray these themes onscreen as it would be deemed "controversial" but, Lowe has created such a great balance of comedy and drama.

Overall I cannot recommend "Prevenge" enough. Go into the film with an open mind, whilst it may not be for everyone I think it's an important film in both style and content. An incredibly daring film made by a huge talent.

As always if you have any comments or feedback leave a comment below or by following me on social media. Thanks for reading.
