Avengers Assemble Review

Please Note: There Are NO Spoilers Within This Review

To say that I have been looking forward to seeing Avengers Assemble (Or The Avengers everywhere else) is an understatement. This movie has been every comic book fan boys dream movie since the appearance of Nick Fury at the end of the first Iron Man movie. It seems like an age since I watched the first footage for The Avengers at the end of Captain America, but finally the time has come for earths mightiest heroes to join forces.
The back stories for each of the main characters are covered in the beginning for people who might not have seen the preceding films. When I first heard that Loki would be the main character in the "bad guy" role of the film I was slightly unsure, however Loki is a fantastic evil character, I detested him as soon as he appeared on screen. I would have liked to see other characters such as Red Skull appear, but I can't have everything.
The chemistry between the lead actors was fantastic especially Iron Man and Hulk (Robert Downey Jr. and Mark Ruffalo) and did not feel laboured in any way. It was like this had not been the first Avengers film with all of the cast. I was really impressed with Mark Ruffalo's portrayal as Bruce Banner/Hulk. He breathed new life into a character which I disliked in other incarnations. I hope another film at least featuring The Hulk will happen.
The film itself was not a stereotypical superhero film. Whilst the action was an important part of the film it was the relationship of the team as well as the relationship between the heroes and members of S.H.I.E.L.D that added depth to a story, there was a very human side to a superhero story. There was also a lot of elements of comedy used throughout that lightened the mood of the film.
There is the usual teaser clip at the end of the film that left me and my family wanting to see more (trust me you will want to stay in your seats)
Overall this film more than lived up to the hype that it has received. Fantastic casting and a brilliant story have made it a great movie for comic book and non comic book fans a like. This film proves that there is still life in comic book adaptations.  Check out the trailer:

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  1. My first thought after walking out of the theater was, thank goodness Michael Bay didn't get a hold of this one!


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