Lazy Sunday Films Part 3

The third instalment of the lazy Sunday films is the Japanese movie The Shock Labyrinth. Now this is not the typical Sunday afternoon movie, however if you want to scary yourself a little bit then this is the film for you. the movie was released in 2009 and was directed by the same director of the Japanese and American Grudge series, Takashi Shimizu. The story follows three friends who lose their friend in a haunted house and return to the site 10 years later after the missing friend returns, disturbed. The film was shot in 3D, but there are not many scenes that are affected by the 2D picture. My only argument with the film is that it tries to be scarier than it is, by this I mean that some of the "scary" scenes made me just watch on in puzzlement as 100 things happen in the same shot. Overall a good movie for the horror fans with the patience to follow through a sometimes complicated story through the end. Check out the trailer below:
